Well, this morning once again as I sat down and opened God's Word, I was surprised by what I read. I was reading in Philippians 1 where Paul is telling the Philipian believers of his love for them with words such as, "I have you in my heart..." (v.7) and "I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus..." (v.8) (Paul obviously felt very strongly about these believers!) and then he tells them that he is praying for them and here's where I was surprised. He starts by saying, "And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more...", that got my attention because he mentioned love and I thought "Aha! Here's something I need to really take notice of! " He continues, "...in real knowledge and all discernment..." What? That doesn't sound like the love I'm familiar with. Something is wrong with the way I'm thinking about love. I would expect something more like "...in real tenderness and all affection..." There's some serious correcting needed in my understanding of love. He goes on to give the reason that he prays this, "...so that you may approve the things that are excellent in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ;" Look at what real love produces! Discernment for the purpose of obedience! He finishes with these words, "...having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." WOW! Filled with righteousness from Christ for the purpose of glorifying and praising God! Look at what real love does! This is so far beyond the weak, pitiful, needy, emotional picture of love in my mind. I know that there are aspects to godly affection that are very emotional and full of affection and I don't want to neglect them, but this description of love is so much more than just a feeling.
I want to meditate on this and give the Lord time to plant it in my heart before I comment more. I think I'm picking up on love being somewhat akin to wisdom in this passage. Doesn't it sound like wisdom? I can't wait to get comments on this that might shed more light on it. I know there is so much that can be said and I don't feel that I've given enough study to this passage to say anything else for now, but I want to learn about this kind of love and I want to pray as Paul did that my love and yours...
... "may abound still more and more in all knowledge and discernment, so that [we] may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." Phil. 1:9-11
Yes, Julie, I want to learn more about this kind of love too; I enjoy reading your observations and application of this passage. During our study of Philippians in women's Bible study last year, Phil 1:9-11 became a treasure for me-infact we sang a Scripture song together of these verses-and when I read the passage, it comes back to me in song! Anyway, I have been convicted to pray these verses for my children. In verse 10 the ESV uses the word "distinguish" in place of appove. I like that word, since it helps me remember that as I perfect the love of God (demonstrated by Christ's sacrifice on the cross) then I will beable to distinguish the things that are excellent, those things that truly please God. Keep studying and living for God's glory, Julie!