Here are a couple of comments I received about my recent posts from two of the most wise and influential women in my life. I think what they had to say gives balance to some of my comments and I thought it would be helpful to post them.
" I am so glad that He chooses the weak and foolish and I am so glad that His strength is made perfect in weakness....that's where his glory shines your lazy...He desires to put His power on display there!!! " Amy W.
Amy sent this clarifying statement about what she said above, "Well, as I read my advice to you, I should have you obey...I don't want it to sound like a let go and let God thing...As you obey...He changes you into something that you are not naturally...He does something that you in and of yourself cannot do....then when people look at your handiwork, the glory goes to Him and not to you! "
I love the Monday thing. I try to NOT clean or organize on the weekends, especially on Sundays, but to keep a very relaxed atmosphere to enjoy the family and guests, if any. Mondays are days of re-grouping and reorganizing!!! My Tuesdays are too, actually. And, Fridays in anticipation of the weekends.